Free Pass Winners - Special Sale - Sunday SEPT 20
A big congratulations to our Instagram Winners and Our Monthly Facebook Contest Winners!
Here are the randomly selected winners
Facebook Winners
- Roxanna Rendon Agin
- Brenda Dunkelman
- Perry Larmer
- Sharonbridget Sybil
- Sharlee Albitz
- Sandi Stolle
- Honey Roth
- Elizabeth Yunuem Jackson
- Randy Hugh Williams
- Carol Adams
Instagram Winners
- @EliseHughes Elise Hughes
- @cocoralston Courtney Ralston
- @Sheajulie Shea Julie
- @carina_lara Carina Lara
- @meyer1013 @sarah Meyer
- @honeydewx Marlaine Leona
- @morrisonfotlife Jamie Morrison
- @theaventureux Meghan Alfano
- @cturlo Chsstine Turlo
- @moustache19 John Veltri
Dresser contest Winners:
Michelle M @oh_its_meeesh
Shirley Lovato
*Winners please collect your free passes at the front entrance gate. Please bring a photo id since the pass has your name on it.